Sǐlǐcòné Gāg SM ādùlt Séx Fétǐsh Réstrāǐnt Bòndāgé BDSM Héād Hārnéss Tòys fòr Wòmén (Réd Bāll)
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Sǐlǐcòné Gāg SM ādùlt Séx Fétǐsh Réstrāǐnt Bòndāgé BDSM Héād Hārnéss Tòys fòr Wòmén (Réd Bāll)

Product Code: WS517
Availability: Pre-Order, Inquiry Price

*Materǐal: PU leather and medǐcal grade sǐlǐcóne tó make thǐs gag cómpletely safe ,hygǐenǐc,ódór free

*Ball dǐameter: 48mm (abóut 1.89ǐnch),ǐt ǐs large sǐze,ǐt suǐt fór advancer

*Adjustable Length:42-57cm(16.5-22.4ǐnch), suǐtable fór bóth men and wómen.The strap full length:62cm(24.5ǐnch)

*Próduct has Lóckǐng buckle,we wǐll send the lóck tó yóu

*Dǐscreet shǐppǐng,we wǐll prótect yóur prǐvacy

Mater?al: P? leather and med?cal grade s?l?còne tò make th?s gag còmpletely safe ,hyg?en?c,òdòr free
Ball d?ameter: 48mm (abò?t 1.89?nch),?t ?s large s?ze,?t s??t fòr advancer
Adj?stable Length:42-57cm(16.5-22.4?nch), s??table fòr bòth men and wòmen.The strap f?ll length:62cm(24.5?nch)
Pròd?ct has Lòck?ng b?ckle,we w?ll send the lòck tò yò?
D?screet sh?pp?ng,we w?ll pròtect yò?r pr?vacy

Tags: bdsm, adult, toys
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